Friday, June 7, 2013


Wooot ! Heyy there :D
It's been a long time since i last updated my blog . Well , there's nothing much i can share with you guys . To me everyday is the same that i , myself , sometimes are getting bored with my own life . Not knowing what is the reason but i think that im getting bored with people and i do think that people are getting bored with me too . I just thought that sometimes people want to be friend with me because they want something from me but when they don't need me , they'll ignore me and do their own stuffs. I dont know how far the true is but i just wanna share my thought . My point of view . Life in university is not the same as we were in school . Trust me . Here , we got new friends , we met new people and of course a new phase of life . Talking about new friends , hmmm . It's nice to know them but i felt kinda awkward at the first place . I tried my best to get closer into them but i think i'm not being me. It's like i'm pretending , it's like i'm not belong to them . I dont know whether they felt the same too.  For me , it's hard to adapt with new people because i dont know their true colours , i meant their true behavior and what not . I admit that i feel like i am a stranger to them . They are not the same as my school friends who i can tell all my secrets , my crushes and everything . Yes EVERYTHING . It's a kind of pleasure when i talk to my school friends because i am being me . Im not being a 'plastic' with them . Hmm perhaps it takes time to get to know other people . I meant , new people . Yeah , looking at the positive side , i think maybe in the 5 years time and forward , we can get used to each other and  be a good friends through thick and thin . It's not like im condemninng but i just wanna spill out everything that i felt from the bottom of my heart . I hope i can be a good friend to them and they'll accept me for who i am . Im not saying that all my friends here are not good . There're plenty of them who are very close to me , who i can trust and who can give support when i'm down . And i really appreciate them for making me happy throughout the year . I just hope that i can make more friends in the future :) 
Here, i wanna thanks to all my friends who are always with me because there's nothing can make me happy than having a caring friends like you guys and do forgive me if i did something wrong with you . Thanks :')



Monday, March 5, 2012

school leaver

Hmm saya sangat sedih sekarang sbb tak lama lagi je dah nk masuk U . sure rindu semua kawankawan sekolah . rindu masa gurau senda , masa kenekan orang , masa kita sendiri yang dikenakan . rinduu ibu ayah . bila cuti tak dapat balik . haih harap sangat dapat U yang dekat2 je . kalau boleh nk buat satu U sebelah rumah hehe . mesti life dah lain . semua orang bz dengan life masingmasing . Entah bila boleh jumpa lagi kann . maybe pat lima tahun akan datang ? MAYBE lah kan . Wallahua'lam . kita hanya mampu merancang , tapi Allah yang menentukan . Er , nanti mesti ada yang dh jadi doktor , peguam , engineer kan kan . Masa cepat sangat berlalu . Time tu saya bangga dengan awak semua yang dah berjaya . yang dah ada carier masingmasing . Boleh beli rumah sendiri , boleh beli kereta takde bumbung . eh , bukan kereta lembu tau tapi ferrari . tp yang penting jangan lah lupa mak ayah , jangan lupa diri  :)

Waktu skolah rendah dulu pejam celik pejam celik aik dah masuk skolah menengah . Bila dah masuk skolah menengah pulak pejam sikit celik balik dah SPM last paper dah kan . Macam tak sangka je kita dah nak masuk U , rasa mcm muda lagi heheh . orang kata masuk U best , tapi saya mesti rasa awkward sbb saya tak pernah tinggalkan rumah . mesti kat sana nanti hari hari call ibu nangis nangis nak balik . haha lawak . lagi satu saya ni penakut , harap lah dapat kawan yang baik dekat sana . boleh teman pegi tandas malam malam kan . hihi .

hmm , tu je lah saya nak cakap . saya harap saya akan berjaya ke menara gading . insyaAllah . rasa macam poyo lah pulak . tapi takpe saya suka muahaha :D

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Haii , lamaa rasanya tak berbelogging ni haa . biasalah bz cehh . bz menda lah kann . eh awok mai la sini rapat rapat ni nk cite rahsia ni . jgn bgtau siapa2 tau . hihi *pndg kiri pandang kanan * okay line clear . muehehe .

Petang tadi en , mak saya suruh pg kedai beli ikan . Ikan tenggiri tau . hehe . saya pun dengan bersemangat lah kan drive lah pegi kedai . saya pun check satu satu ikan.yelah pro lah katakan hihi . check punya check okay dah jumpa ikan tenggiri . yey !  saya pun dengan confidentnya menyuruh abang potong ikan tu memotong dengan jayanya. Ingat nak tanya betul ke tak ni ikan tenggiri . Tapi rasanya dah betul kot . Malulah dah besar tak reti lagi beza ikan kann . *peace*
ee apalah cerita pasal ikan tenggiri . korang mesti bosan punya . alaa lek lu belum sampai klimaks lg . jangan lah sign out sebab boring baca saya punya entry ni . hikhik. kesian lah saya . cewahh .

okay lpas tu saya pun balik lah rumah dengan perasaan gembira . dalam hati 'mesti ibu puji saya dah pandai beli barang. hehe' okay sampai je dekat dapur

saya : ibuu , ni haa ikan tenggiri . terer tak along beli . hehe.

ibu pun mengecheck lah dlm plastik tu . lepas tu dia buat muka pelik . nak tergelak pun ada jugak lah sikit . 

saya: dah sudah . kenapa bu ?
ibu: ibu suruh beli ikan tenggiri laa .
saya: ni ikan tenggiri lah ni . haih cuba tengok betul betul .
ibu ; kamu tu yg patut tengok betul betul . ni bukan tenggiri ni alongg .

saya : ha yeke ? macam ikan tenggiri je . hehe .
ibu : ni ikan tongkol la . haih anak daraa dah besar tak reti beza ikan.
saya: hahah mana lah along tahu . serupa je tengok . tak pelah . boleh makan tu hihi .

sorry ibuu hihi

last last mak saya kene tuka menu disebabkan kelalaian yang tidak dapat dibendung . nampaknya lepas ni hari hari kene ikut parents pegi pasar muahaha .

pengajaran , dah tak tahu buat cara tak tahu . jangan sombong nak tanya orang . okay ? hihi . sekian :D

malunya saya huu >,<

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

22 mac 2011 :O

yeah they were awesome !

haih tak lama je lagi , pejam celik pejam celik dahh 22 mac en -_-
halamak terasa remuk usus usus perut den . eh dlm perut ada usus ke ? muahaha lantak kau lah . eh korang pun mesti nervous an an . agak agak berapa bijik A lah aq dapat . kalau boleh nak lah yg ada plus kat blakang . tp bukan B+ eh . of course la nak A+ huhu . sape je weh yang tak nak . Hmm , tapi apa pun result aq , aq akan terima dengan ikhlas . kena redha , lpas tu tawakal banyak2 . eh mcm salah turutan je kan . jap jap , mula2 tawakal , lpas tu baru redha . haa yg ni baru betoi . td tu ajaran ayah pin muehehe .

eh korang korang *sambil bisik*, korang en kalau dpt result gempak en en korang mesti mintak macam2 kat parents korang kan ? hehe . korang mintak apaa ? ni peluang keemasan ni , bila lg kan nk mintak  .

 kalau aq lah kann .. aq mintak

handphone sebijik . bukan stakat handphone , tp iphone lg . dan bukan calang2 iphone aq mintak . aq nk yg ada 4S kat blakang tu . klau ada huruf sampai Z lagi aq mintak haha .

lepas tu aq nak mintak laptop baru yang ada gambar apple kene gigit tu . fuh best best :D

lepas tu aq nak mintak handbag , kasut , baju dan yang sewaktu dengannya .

lepas tu nak ajak parents pergi melancong hihi .

ceh cerita macam dapat je en . ni atas ni semua gurau je . aq tak perlu semua tu . aq hanya mahu 9A+ sbb aq nak parents aq bangga dengan aq . hihi . wish me luck . and i wish you guys good luck too ! semoga kejayaan milik kita insyaAllah :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

say cheeezeeeeh :D

Heyya , this is what we called jobless muehehe . Meet nuradlin , my lil sister . btw her name is the same as my beghprengg name , nuradlin nordin . OH you dont care ? I CARE bebeh  :D

attention seeker :)

erk hiii :D
how am I going to start aa ? okay lets talk about err ... about life ? what do you say ? yeah boringg . WhOt? cliche? yah i know , i know . dont ya remind me . haha . okay lets think bout another else ? emm , jyeah !  i got it . i got it ahak ahak .

          JENG JENG JENG..

                                       nervous  ? muahaha . TAK ? kay fine -_-

okay guys , have you ever heard about the attention seeker ?

you said NO ?

what the FISH !  that is totally weird.. because i've found MANY :O
many so so ! okay maknanya 'banyak sangat sangat' haha . hey i wanna ask you , what do people get by attracting people's attention ha ? are you gonna talk about FAME ? argh pehliss , it's disgusting ya know . fame doesnt mean anything if you choose the wrong and gediks way muahaha . okay lemme tell you bout this one girl . i found her on facebook and SHE , with her sense of pride has upload her half naked pictures in her album without no shame at all . pheww , ternganga mamat2 semua tengok wehh . and the most shocking things is , she is ISLAM . hey , have you lost your mind ? at least please care about our dignity . i mean muslims' dignity right . how pathetic you aree . sorry to say aa .. but you're just to desperate . dont ask me why your boyfriend left you .sorreeey muahaha .

hmm yeah i know everyone wants attention . but please do it in an appropriate way . follow your heart but take your brain with you :)

but please ... THINK BEFORE YOU ACT :D