yeah they do really exists ! i do have a lot of friends but only a few who sincere . and of course they absolutely lights up my life :')
we went everywhere together even to the toilet which only takes a few step from the class kahkahkah . You know what we were called in malay ? ahah BELANGKAS . You know belangkas ? tak tahu pg google la wey :p
teringat pulak zmn sekolah sekolah dulu . kutuk orang samasama , puji orang samasama , suka orang yang sama pn penah juga . tp kitorang tak penah bergaduh okay . siap bermadu lagi adaa haha . seronok kalau banyak kawan , ye lah bak pepatah melayu 'berkawan biar beribu, brkasih biar satu ' yelah kan kalau berkasih biar beribu , berkawan biar satu maunya tunggang terbalik hidup nyah oii . nnt jadi mcm cite p. ramlee . madu tiga tak pun keluarga 69 kann naya tu .
tapi kan , kalau kwn beribu pun tapi tak ikhlas baik tak payah kan . kang tak pasal kene tikam dari belakang . sakit plak tu haa . okay lah , dont have any ideas to write moreee . eheh , thanks to god for giving me great friends in the world . no one can replace them . (mesti kembang hidung kawan2 aku nanti) hahah
forgive me if i'd done wrong to you
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